Brain Storming

S/No Date Puzzle Solution
12023-06-15A sum of money at simple interest amounts to Rs.815/- in 3 years
and to Rs.854/- in 4 years. The Sum is _______
22023-06-15A alone can do a piece of work in 6 days
and B alone in 8 days. A and B undertook to do it for
Rs.3200/-. With the help of C, they completed the work in 3 days.
How much is to be paid to C ?
32023-06-01An accurate clock shows 8 `O` Clock in the morning.
Through how many degrees will the hour hand rotate
when the clock shows 2 `O` Clock in the afternoon?
42023-06-01A clock is started at noon.
By 10 minutes past 5, the hour hand has turned through ____ degrees
52023-03-30When I was 2, my sister was twice as old as me. Now I am 40, how old is my sister?My sister age is 42 years.
When I was 2, my sister was 4. ie., She is 2 years elder to me
62023-03-30If you write down all the numbers from 1 to 100, then how many times do you write 3 ?20 times
72022-11-21My mother has 10 brothers, therefore I have 10 UNCLES.
If each of my uncle has one sister,
then how many AUNTS do I have?
0 Aunts. Each of my uncle has one sister, i.e., My mother is the sister for all her brothers.
Hence I do not have any Aunts.
82022-11-21For 12 men it took 5 hours to build an airstrip.
Working at the same rate how many additional men could
have been hired in order for the job to have taken 1 hour less to complete.??
3 Men. To complete the job in 1 hour we need 12x5=60 men.
Hence to complete the job in 4 hours we need 60/4=15 men.
Therefore additional men required is 3
92022-10-16One Grandfather, one Father, and one Grandson. Sum of their ages is 140 years.

Gradndson`s age in months is equal to Grandfather`s age in Years.
Grandson`s age in days is equal to Faher`s age in weeks.
Now find the age of all three.
given 12S=G
365S=365F/7 => 7S=F

12S+7S+S=140 => 20S=170
=> S=7
=>F=49 and G=84
102022-10-09You have THREE keys pertaining to THREE Rooms and you need to indentify which
key pertains to each room.
You need not open the Room, just you need to identify the key pertaining to each room.

How many times will be attempt to identify the keys?
Answer: Masimum THREE attempts
Expl: Let Keys be K1,K2 and K3 and Rooms are R1, R2 and R3.
You try K1 and K2 for R1, if not matched then K3 belongs to R1.
Now try K1 for R2, if not matched then K2 belong to R2 and K1 belong to R3
112022-10-02Ram and Sham are selling similar chocolates.
Ram was selling at 2 chocolates for one rupee
and Sham was selling at 3 chocolates for one rupee.

One day they both decided to mix their chocolates and sell them at
5 chocolates for 2 Rupees.

After selling whole chocolates they found that the total amount collected
is Rupees 7 less than what they would get by selling them saparately.

Find how may chocolates each of them had initially if both had equal number of
Let Ram and Sham had "X" chocolates initially.
Ram was getting X/2 Rupees and Sham was getting X/3 Rupees.
After mixing both will get (X+X)/(5/2) which is equal to 4X/5

Now 4X/5=X/2 + X/3 - 7
=> 4X/5=(3X+2X-42)/6
=> 24X=5(5X-42)
=> 24X=25X-210 => X=210

Each had 210 chocolates.
Saparetly Ram used to get Rs.105
and Sham used to get Rs.70. And combined they got 420/(5/2) = Rs.168
which is Rs.7 less than 105+70.
122022-09-25If 5x+3y=3 then find the value of 32x.8y?Ans: 8

32x.8y can be written as


132022-09-18A horse and a camel were carrying boxes on their backs.
Camel says if you give me one of your boxes then I will have double
than what you have. If I give you one of my boxes then we both will
have same boxes

Find the number of boxes each has???
Ans: Camel has 7 boxes and Horse has 5 boxes

Let Horse has H boxes and Camel has C boses in the begining then C+1=2(H-1) and C-1=H+1

Solving we get C=7 and H=5
142022-09-11There is a table.
How many chairs are required to make THREE fathers,
THREE sons and TWO Grandfathers to sit around the table.
FOUR chairs

If A B C D sit on these chairs, A is the
grand father of C and B is the grand father of D
A is the father of B
B is the fatehr of C
C is the father of D
B is the son of A
C is the son of B
D is the son of C.
152022-09-11Assume that both the following statements are true.

1.Ramu always lies.
2.Ramu says "All my hats are green"

What can we conclude from those statements.

a. Ramu has atleast one hat
b. Ramu has only one green hat.
c. Ramu has no hats.
d. Ramu has atleast one green hat.
e. Ramu has no green hat
Ramu has atleast one hat
162022-09-04A professional shooter has a 6 shot revolver.
He fires all thr 6 shots in a row at regular interval of time.
The time between first and last shot is 60 seconds.

What is the time between first and thrid shot?
There are five intervals between 6 shots. Hence each interval will have 12 seconds.

Now the time between 1st shot and the 3rd shot is 2 intervals ie., 24 seconds
172022-09-04A lady purchases a bag for Rs.200 from a shop and the shop keeper
will not keep any profit in this sale.

The lady gives Rs.2000 note and the shop keeper gets the change
from the next shop, keeps Rs.200 for himself and returns Rs.1800/- to the lady.

After sometime, the man from the next shop comes with Rs.2000 note saying
that it is a fake note and he takes his money back.

Find the amount of loss for the shop keeper?
Total loss for the shop keeper is only Rs.2000/- as it is a fake note.

Aliter: He gave Rs.200 worth bag to the lady, Rs.1800 of cash, total amount of loss is Rs.2000/-

182022-08-27You have 12 black socks and 12 white socks mixed up in a drawer.
You woke up very early and its too dark to identify the colour of the sock.

What is the number of socks you should take out (blindly) to be sure
of having a matching pair?
If you take three socks blindly atleast two socks will be of same colour. Hence THREE is the right answer
192022-08-27By moving one of the digits make the equation correct: 62-63=1

By moving one of the symbol make the equation correct: 62-63=1
By moving 6 to the power of 2 we get 26-63=1.

By removing - from the = symbol and putting on the - symbol we get 62=63-1.
202022-08-24A king has to pay to his servant in the form of Gold coins only.

He should pay only for the days the servant works and should pay at the end of everyday.

He has a GOLD COIN OF 70 Gms. He need to pay 10 gms everyday for SEVEN DAYS.
The King has a option to make only THREE pieces GOLD COIN.

How will he cut the GOLD COIN into 3 pieces so that at end of every day he pays
GOLD COIN exactly for the work done.(eg. only first day he should pay 10 gms, 2nd day
he need to pay total 20 gms, 3rd day he need to pay total of 30 grms and so on)
King cuts the Gold coin into 3 pieces coin as 10gms, 20gms and 40gms.

1st day end King gives 10-gms coin

2nd day end King takes back 10-gms coin and gives 20-gms coin

3rd day end King gives 10-gms coin and 20-gms coin is already with him

4th day end King takes back 10-gms, 20-gms coins and gives 40-gms coin

5th day end King gives 10-gms coin and 40-gms coin is already with him

6th day end King takes back 10-gms coin and gives 20 gms coin and 40-gms coin is already with him

7th day end King gives 10-gms coin and 20-gms, 40-gms coins are already with him
212022-08-24Four people need to cross a Bride at night.
Unfortunately they have only one torch
and the bridge is too dangerous to cross without torch.

The Bridge is only strong enough to support TWO people at a time.
Not all people take the same time to cross the Bride.
Person-A will take 1 minute to cross
Person-B will take 2 minute to cross
Person-C will take 7 minute to cross
Person-D will take 10 minute to cross
What is the shortest time needed for all four of them to cross the Bridge.
Person-A takes 1 minute, Person-B takes 2 minutes, Person-C takes 7 minutes and Person-D takes 10 minutes

First A and B will cross the bridge and takes TWO minutes (Total Time used -2 min)(CD----AB)
A will return back and takes ONE minute (Total Time used -3 min)(ACD----B)

Now C and D will cross the bridge and takes TEN minutes (Total time used-13 min) (A----BCD)

B will return back and takes TWO minutes (Total Time used -15 min)(AB----CD)

Now A and B will cross the bridge and takes TWO minutes (Total Time used 17 min) (----ABCD)

Total tame taken is 17 minutes
222022-08-21Four Doctors said "RAMU is our own Brother".
But the same RAMU says "I do not have any Brothers".
Is it possible, if not who is lying?
All are correct. The FOUR DOCTORS are ladies and their brother is RAMU. Also RAMU has only sisters not brothers.
232022-08-21At a party of thirty-five people there are twice as many women as children
and twice as many children as men. How many of each are there?
Twice as many women as children => C=2W

Twice as many children as men => M=2C

Given M+C+W=35 => 2C+C+C/2 =35 => 7C/2=35 => 7C=70 => C=10

=> M=20 and W=5
242022-08-15A and B race one another over 100mtr Running race.
When A crosses the finish line, B is only at the 90mtr mark.
They both agree to have a second race, but to make it fairer,
A will go back 10 mtr behind the starting line and begins the race.
Who will win the race this time?.
Even in the second race A will win. As we know in the second race, A has 110 mtrs and B will have 100 mtrs to cross the finishing line. As A runs 100 mtrs and touches 90 mtr mark, B will also run 90 mtrs, hence at the same time both will be at 90 mtr mark. Now the rest 10 mtrs, as A runs 10 mtrs B will run only 9 mtrs. Hence A will be the winner
252022-08-15You have 3 jars that are all mislabeled.
One jar contains Apples, another contains Mangoes
and the third jar contains mixture of both Apples and Mangoes.
You are allowed to pick only one fruit from any one of the jars and label the jars correctly.
How will do this?
Since all jars are mislabeled (wrongly labeled) , Take one fruit from a jar which is wrongly labeled as BOTH APPLES AND MANGOES.

In case you get a Mango, then the correct label of the jar marked BOTH is MANGOES and the correct label of the jar is APPLES which is wrongly labled as MANGOES, and BOTH APPLES AND MANGGOES is the correct label of the jar which is wrongly labled as APPLES.

In case you get an Apple, then the correct label of the jar marked BOTH is APPLE and the correct label of the jar is MANGOES which is wrongly labled as APPLES, and BOTH APPLES AND MANGGOES is the correct label of the jar which is wrongly labled as MANGOES.
262022-08-07There are EIGHT stones, among which one is heavier and rest SEVEN are of equal weight.
You are provided with a simple mechanical balance and you are restricted to use
balancer only twice. How to find the heavier stone?
Lets name the stones as S1,S2,S3,S4,S5,S6,S7 and S8. For First time take S1,S2,S3 on one side of the balancer and S4, S5, S6 on the other side. In case balancer show equal weighs then take S7, S8 for 2nd time weigh and if S7 weighs more than S8 then S7 is the answer else S8 is the answer. In case S1,S2,S3 side weighs more, then take S1, S2 for 2nd time weigh and if balancer shows equal balance, then S3 is the answer, else if S1 weighs more than S2 then S1 is the answer else S2 is the answer. In case S4,S5,S6 side weighs more, then take S4, S5 for 2nd time weigh and if balancer shows equal balance, then S6 is the answer, else if S4 weighs more than S5 then S4 is the answer else S5 is the answer.
272022-08-07Eight liters milk is avaiable in the can of 8 liters.
An empty cans of 5 liters and 3 liters are only vessels available.
You are required to split 8liters into 4 liters each saparately.
How can you do.
In the begining 8-ltr can has 8, 5-ltr can has 0, 3-ltr can has 0 (8-0-0). step-1: Pour the milk from 8-ltr can to 5-ltr can. (3-5-0). step-2: Pour the milk from 5-ltr can to 3-ltr can. (3-2-3). step-3: Pour the milk from 3-ltr can to 8-ltr can. (6-2-0). step-4: Pour the milk from 5-ltr can to 3-ltr can. (6-0-2). step-5: Pour the milk from 8-ltr can to 5-ltr can. (1-5-2). step-6: Pour the milk from 5-ltr can to 3-ltr can. (1-4-3). step-7: Pour the milk from 3-ltr can to 8-ltr can. (4-4-0).
282022-08-01We have two identical ropes, which are non-uniform in composition.
Each ropes takes 60 minutes to burn completely.
Now you do not have any watch but you have a lighter.
How will you calculate the time of 45 minutes?
You light both ends of the Rope-1 and one end of the Rope-2 simultaneously. In exactly 30 minutes, Rope-1 burns out completely and Rope-2 burns exactly half of it. Now immediatly light another end of Rope-2, it will take exactly 15 minutes to burn Rope-2 completely. So total time taken will be 45 minutes.
292022-08-01A girl was TEN on her last birthday and will be TWELVE on her next birthday.
How is it possible
Today she is celebrating her 11th birthday. Hence she was TEN on her last birthday and will be TWELVE on her next birthday